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Text-to-Speech (TTS) in Automated Phone Calls: Revolutionizing Modern Communication


Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology, a marvel of modern computational linguistics and artificial intelligence, has significantly transformed the way we interact with digital systems. At its core, TTS technology converts written text into spoken words, enabling computers to communicate with users in a more natural and accessible manner. This technological breakthrough has not only enhanced user experience across various digital platforms but has also found a critical application in the domain of automated phone calls.

The integration of TTS into automated phone systems marks a significant leap forward in telecommunication. Traditionally, automated calls relied on pre-recorded messages, limiting their flexibility and scope. However, with TTS, these systems can now generate dynamic, personalized, and context-specific voice messages in real time. This advancement has opened up new avenues for efficient customer service, widespread information dissemination, and has notably improved accessibility for those who rely on auditory communication.

The application of TTS in automated phone calls is not just an incremental improvement; it represents a paradigm shift in how we conceptualize and execute mass communication. This technology is revolutionizing modern communication by bridging gaps between digital information and human interaction. It offers an unprecedented level of personalization and responsiveness that was previously unattainable in automated telecommunication services. As we delve deeper into this article, we will explore the historical evolution of TTS, its operational mechanics, its diverse applications in automated phone calls, and how it is poised to redefine the future of communication in an increasingly digital world.

Recommended reading: “Exploring Text-to-Speech (TTS) Technology in Automated Phone Call Services

Historical Context and Evolution of Text-to-Speech (TTS) Technology

The journey of Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology is a fascinating story of innovation and evolution, reflecting the relentless pursuit of human ingenuity to mimic the complexities of natural speech through machines. This section traces the historical progression of TTS, highlighting key milestones and its eventual integration into the realm of telecommunications.

1. Early Developments in TTS Technology

The genesis of TTS can be traced back to the early 20th century, with the creation of primitive speech synthesis machines. These early attempts, though rudimentary, laid the groundwork for future innovations.

The 1960s and 1970s witnessed significant strides in digital speech synthesis. Bell Labs, a leader in this domain, developed the first fully computer-based speech synthesis system, known as the ‘Pattern Playback’. It was capable of converting pictures of the acoustic patterns of speech back into sound.

The 1980s saw the commercialization of TTS technology. Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) were employed to convert text into synthesized speech, making the technology more accessible and practical for various applications.

2. Milestones in TTS Advancements

The 1990s marked a significant era with the advent of Natural Language Processing (NLP), which allowed for more natural-sounding speech synthesis. TTS systems started to utilize large databases of recorded speech, enhancing the quality and intelligibility of the synthesized voice.

The introduction of concatenative synthesis, where small units of recorded speech were stitched together to form complete sentences, was a notable advancement.

The 21st century has witnessed exponential growth in TTS technology, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Neural networks and deep learning techniques have enabled TTS systems to produce highly natural and human-like speech.

3. Integration of TTS in Telecommunication

The integration of TTS into telecommunications began in earnest in the late 20th century, initially in voice response systems for customer service.

The early 2000s saw a broader adoption of TTS in telecommunication systems. This period marked the introduction of TTS in automated call distribution, interactive voice response (IVR) systems, and voice-activated phone directories.

Recent years have seen the integration of more advanced TTS engines into telecommunication systems, allowing for more personalized and context-aware automated phone calls. This has been crucial in fields like customer service, emergency alerts, and accessibility services.

The evolution of TTS technology is a testament to the synergy between computational linguistics, digital signal processing, and AI. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a cornerstone of modern telecommunication systems, TTS has continually evolved, offering ever more sophisticated and human-like communication capabilities. This evolution not only reflects technological progress but also a growing understanding of human speech patterns and linguistics. As TTS continues to advance, it promises to further redefine the landscape of automated communication.

TTS Technology Explained

Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology, a cornerstone of modern digital communication, is an intricate system that transforms written text into spoken words. This transformation involves several complex processes and components, which are constantly evolving due to technological advancements. Understanding the mechanics of TTS not only reveals the sophistication behind this technology but also its potential for future applications.

How TTS Works: From Text Input to Speech Output

Text Analysis: The process begins with text analysis, where the input text is processed to understand its structure and meaning. This includes parsing sentences, identifying words, and understanding punctuation for appropriate pauses and intonations.

Phonetic Conversion: The text is then converted into phonetic representations, which involves determining how each word and sentence should be pronounced based on linguistic rules.

Synthesis: Finally, the phonetic representations are synthesized into audible speech. This step uses pre-recorded speech sounds or digitally generated sounds to produce the final speech output.

Key Components of TTS Technology

Speech Synthesis: This component is responsible for generating the audible speech. It involves selecting and concatenating pre-recorded speech sounds (in concatenative synthesis) or generating speech sounds through algorithms (in formant or parametric synthesis).

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is essential for interpreting the context and meaning of the text, allowing the TTS system to apply appropriate pronunciations, emphasis, and intonations. It helps the system understand idiomatic expressions, homographs, and other linguistic nuances.

Recent Technological Advancements in TTS

Deep Learning and Neural Networks: The integration of deep learning algorithms has significantly improved the naturalness and fluidity of TTS-generated speech. Neural networks can learn from vast datasets of human speech, enabling more accurate mimicking of human intonation and rhythm.

Emotion and Context-Aware Synthesis: Modern TTS systems can now incorporate emotional tones and context-aware variations in speech, making the output more relatable and engaging for the listener.

Cross-Linguistic and Accent Capabilities: Recent advancements have expanded the capability of TTS systems to handle multiple languages and accents, increasing their global applicability and accessibility.

Real-Time Speech Synthesis: Improvements in processing power and algorithm efficiency have enabled real-time text-to-speech synthesis, crucial for applications in telecommunication and interactive systems.

The evolution of TTS technology is a convergence of linguistic expertise and computational prowess. By continuously incorporating advancements in AI and NLP, TTS systems are not just mimicking human speech but are getting closer to understanding and replicating the intricacies of human communication. This ongoing development is not only enhancing the user experience but is also opening new avenues for applications in diverse fields.

Applications in Automated Phone Calls

Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology has found extensive applications in the domain of automated phone calls, revolutionizing the way businesses and organizations interact with their audience. By providing a more dynamic and adaptable communication method, TTS enhances the efficiency and reach of automated calls across various sectors. Here are some key areas where TTS technology plays a pivotal role:

Customer Service and Support Systems

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems: TTS is integral to IVR systems, allowing companies to offer automated customer service. Customers can interact with these systems to get information, perform transactions, or get routed to the appropriate department, all through voice commands.

Personalized Responses and Updates: TTS enables automated systems to deliver personalized messages, such as account balances, appointment reminders, or service updates, enhancing customer experience and engagement.

24/7 Availability: With TTS, businesses can provide constant customer support without the need for human operators, ensuring that customer inquiries are addressed at any time of the day.

Emergency Alerts and Public Service Announcements

Rapid Dissemination of Information: In emergencies, TTS systems can quickly disseminate critical information to a large audience. This is vital for public safety announcements, weather alerts, or health advisories.

Language and Dialect Adaptability: TTS can deliver messages in multiple languages and dialects, crucial for reaching a diverse population during emergencies.

Accessibility for All: TTS systems ensure that important information is accessible to those who may have difficulties reading text messages, such as the visually impaired or the elderly.

Telemarketing and Information Dissemination

Automated Sales Calls: TTS allows for the automation of sales calls, enabling businesses to reach out to potential customers with product offers or updates without the need for extensive human resources.

Surveys and Feedback Collection: Automated calls powered by TTS are used to conduct surveys or collect feedback from customers. This provides valuable insights into customer preferences and satisfaction levels.

Informational Campaigns: Organizations use TTS to run informational campaigns, spreading awareness about various topics like health initiatives, community events, or educational programs.

The application of TTS in automated phone calls not only enhances the efficiency and scope of these communications but also significantly improves user accessibility and experience. By automating and personalizing phone interactions, TTS technology is enabling businesses and organizations to communicate more effectively and inclusively with their audiences.

Benefits of Text-to-Speech (TTS) in Phone Communication

Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology has brought a multitude of benefits to the field of phone communication, transforming it into a more efficient, accessible, and cost-effective tool. The advantages of TTS are far-reaching, impacting not just businesses and organizations, but also enhancing the user experience for a wide range of individuals. Here are some of the key benefits:

Increased Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

Automation of Calls: TTS automates the process of making phone calls, significantly reducing the need for human operators. This automation leads to a substantial decrease in labor costs and resource allocation for businesses.

Scalability: With TTS, organizations can easily scale their communication efforts without a proportional increase in costs or resources. Whether it’s reaching a hundred or a million people, TTS systems can handle the load with the same efficiency.

Reduced Error Rates: Automated TTS systems minimize human errors in communication, ensuring that the information conveyed is accurate and consistent every time.

24/7 Availability and Consistency in Service

Round-the-Clock Service: TTS systems can operate 24/7, providing uninterrupted service to users. This is particularly crucial for customer support lines, ensuring that help is available at all times.

Consistent User Experience: TTS offers a consistent voice and tone in all communications, which is essential for maintaining the quality and professionalism of the service. This consistency is difficult to achieve with human operators.

Rapid Response to Changing Needs: TTS systems can be quickly updated to respond to changing information needs, such as updating information in a crisis, without the delay of retraining human staff.

Accessibility for Visually Impaired and Literacy-Challenged Individuals

Inclusivity: TTS technology is a boon for individuals who are visually impaired or have difficulties reading. It provides them with an accessible way to receive information and interact with automated systems.

Language and Dialect Flexibility: Advanced TTS systems can communicate in multiple languages and dialects, making them accessible to a broader range of people, including those who may not be proficient in the primary language of the region.

Enhanced Comprehension: For individuals with literacy challenges, TTS offers a way to understand complex information through spoken word, which can be easier to comprehend than written text.

The incorporation of TTS into phone communication systems not only streamlines operations and reduces costs but also plays a crucial role in making information and services more accessible to a diverse audience. Its ability to provide consistent, round-the-clock service further cements its position as a valuable tool in modern communication strategies.

Challenges and Limitations of Text-to-Speech (TTS) in Phone Communication

While Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology has revolutionized phone communication, it is not without its challenges and limitations. These obstacles range from technological constraints to ethical considerations, impacting the effectiveness and reception of TTS in various applications.

Issues with Voice Naturalness and Emotional Tone

Lack of Naturalness: One of the primary challenges with TTS is achieving a voice that sounds genuinely natural and human-like. Despite advancements, many TTS systems still produce speech that can be perceived as robotic or unnatural, affecting user engagement and comfort.

Emotional Expression: Imparting emotional nuance and tone in synthesized speech remains a significant hurdle. Capturing the subtleties of human emotions such as empathy, sarcasm, or humor is complex, and TTS systems often struggle to convincingly replicate these tones.

Language and Dialect Barriers

Limited Language Coverage: TTS technology, while continually expanding, still has limited coverage in terms of languages and dialects. This limitation poses a challenge in global communication and in regions with a high diversity of languages.

Accents and Pronunciations: Accurately replicating regional accents and pronunciations is another area where TTS systems often fall short. This can lead to misunderstandings or a sense of disconnect for the listeners, especially in culturally diverse regions.

Privacy and Security Concerns in Automated Calls

Data Privacy: The use of TTS in phone communication often involves processing personal and sensitive information. Ensuring the privacy and security of this data is a significant concern, particularly with increasing regulations like GDPR.

Misuse and Scams: There is a risk of TTS technology being used for fraudulent purposes, such as scam calls that impersonate legitimate organizations. This misuse can erode public trust in automated calls and poses ethical and legal challenges.

Consent and Transparency: Ensuring that recipients of automated TTS calls are aware of and consent to the interaction is crucial. There is a fine line between informative communication and intrusive or unwanted calls.

These challenges highlight the need for continuous research and development in TTS technology to enhance its naturalness, emotional intelligence, and linguistic versatility. Moreover, addressing privacy and security concerns is paramount to maintaining user trust and ethical standards in automated phone communication. As TTS technology evolves, it is crucial to navigate these challenges effectively to fully realize its potential in enhancing communication.

Case Studies and Real-World Examples of Text-to-Speech (TTS) Applications

Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology has been applied in various innovative ways across multiple domains. These case studies provide a glimpse into how TTS can be effectively utilized in specific contexts, illustrating its potential beyond global, multilingual, or natural disaster scenarios.

TTS in Local Healthcare Appointment Reminders

Healthcare Sector Implementation

A regional healthcare provider implemented TTS in their appointment reminder system. The TTS system automatically called patients to remind them of upcoming appointments, providing details like date, time, and location.

This TTS application significantly reduced missed appointments, as patients received timely and clear reminders. It also freed up administrative staff from the task of making manual reminder calls.

The success of this implementation highlighted the efficiency of TTS in managing routine communications and its impact on reducing operational inefficiencies in healthcare settings.

TTS for Small Business Customer Engagement

Retail Sector Case Study

A small retail business used TTS technology to inform customers of special offers, store events, and new product arrivals. The TTS system was programmed to send personalized voice messages to the store’s loyalty program members.

This approach allowed the business to maintain a personal touch with customers while leveraging the efficiency of automated calls. It resulted in increased customer engagement and higher attendance at store events.

This case study demonstrates how TTS can be a cost-effective and impactful tool for small businesses to enhance customer relations and drive sales.

TTS in Local Government Information Dissemination

Municipal Government Usage

A local municipal government employed TTS to communicate important information to residents. This included updates on roadworks, changes in garbage collection schedules, and local election reminders.

The TTS system enabled the government to quickly and effectively reach a large number of residents, ensuring that the community stayed informed about local issues and changes.

This application showcased how TTS can be a vital tool for local governments in improving communication with residents and promoting civic engagement.

These examples underscore the adaptability and effectiveness of TTS technology in various settings, from healthcare and retail to local governance. They demonstrate that TTS can be a valuable asset not just in large-scale or complex scenarios, but also in everyday applications that benefit communities and small businesses.

Voice Message Samples for Appointment Reminders

In this section, we present TTS message samples designed for appointment reminders, offering a firsthand look at the two distinct approaches employed in conveying essential information to customers. We provide both human-recorded and Text-to-Speech (TTS) generated messages, each accompanied by transcripts for clarity.

Human Answer Example

After the answer and ‘hello’, your recording will play.

Hello Robert. This is Dr. Smith’s office calling regarding your upcoming appointment on February 10th at 10:30am. If for some reason, you need to cancel the appointment with Dr. Smith’s office on February 10th at 10:30am please press 0 to be transferred to our office now. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you soon.

Machine Answer Example

After the answer, voicemail greeting and ‘beep’, your recording will play.

Hello, this is a message for Robert. This is Dr. Smith’s office calling regarding your upcoming appointment on February 10th at 10:30am. If for some reason, you need to cancel the appointment with Dr. Smith’s office on February 10th at 10:30am please call our office at 212-555-1212 now. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you soon.

The voice message samples presented here for appointment reminders showcase the dynamic potential of modern phone communication systems. Whether through the warm and personal touch of a human voice or the precision and efficiency of Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology, these samples exemplify how businesses can engage with customers effectively while conveying essential information. By continuously refining and adapting our approaches, we strive to ensure that appointment reminders are not just efficient but also engaging, leaving a positive and lasting impression on customers. We invite you to explore the possibilities of integrating these voices into your own communication strategies, recognizing that the future of customer engagement is a harmonious blend of the human and the technological.

Utilizing Human and TTS Voices for Comprehensive Communication

In modern automated phone communication systems, the integration of both human voices and Text-to-Speech (TTS) voices has emerged as a powerful strategy for conveying information to customers, especially when dealing with dynamically inserted data from customer profiles. This hybrid approach combines the authenticity and emotive qualities of human voices with the efficiency and customization capabilities of TTS. Here’s how a phone call can seamlessly incorporate both types of voices to deliver a comprehensive and engaging experience.

1. Introduction to the Call

The call begins with a friendly and relatable human voice introducing the purpose of the call. This initial human interaction sets a welcoming tone and establishes a personal connection with the customer.

2. Data Retrieval

The system retrieves customer-specific data, such as the customer’s name, appointment date, and time, from the customer database.

3. Human Voice for Personalization

To create a personalized and engaging experience, the human voice reenters the conversation. The human voice addresses the customer by name and provides relevant details about the upcoming appointment, ensuring a warm and personalized touch.

4. TTS for Data Precision

TTS takes over to convey specific data points with precision and consistency. For instance, it can smoothly announce the exact date and time of the appointment, ensuring that there is no room for misunderstanding.

5. Seamless Transition

The transition between human and TTS voices is seamless, with careful attention to maintain a consistent tone and pace. This ensures that the customer remains engaged and informed throughout the call.

6. Human Voice for Closing

The human voice returns at the end of the call to thank the customer for their time, offer any additional assistance, and provide contact information for inquiries or changes.

7. Customer Interaction

Throughout the call, customers have the option to interact verbally or through touch-tone inputs to confirm, reschedule, or seek more information about their appointment.

Benefits of This Approach

Personalization: The human voice adds a personal touch, making the customer feel valued and heard.

Data Precision: TTS ensures accurate delivery of essential data, minimizing the risk of errors.

Efficiency: Combining both voices allows for efficient communication while maintaining a warm and engaging customer experience.

This hybrid approach of combining human and TTS voices in phone communication strikes a balance between personalization and efficiency. It leverages the strengths of each voice type to provide customers with clear, precise, and engaging information, resulting in an enhanced customer experience.

The Future of Text-to-Speech (TTS) in Telecommunications

The future of Text-to-Speech (TTS) in telecommunications is poised to be shaped by advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, along with emerging applications and innovations. However, this evolution will also be guided by ethical considerations and regulatory implications, ensuring that the technology develops responsibly and inclusively. Here’s a glimpse into what the future may hold for TTS in telecommunications:

Predictions for AI and Machine Learning in Enhancing TTS

Improved Naturalness and Expressiveness: AI and machine learning are expected to significantly enhance the naturalness of TTS voices, making them nearly indistinguishable from human speech. Techniques like deep neural networks could allow for more nuanced expression, capturing emotions and intonations more effectively.

Context-Aware Speech Generation: Future TTS systems might be able to understand and adapt to the context of the conversation, adjusting tone, speed, and style accordingly. This would make automated interactions more engaging and effective.

Personalized Voice Generation: AI advancements may enable the creation of customized TTS voices, perhaps even allowing users to select a voice that resembles their own or that they find more pleasant and trustworthy.

Potential Future Applications and Innovations

Expanded Accessibility Features: TTS could play a larger role in accessibility, offering advanced solutions for individuals with speech or language impairments. This could include real-time personal voice assistants capable of interpreting non-verbal communication.

Integration with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): TTS could be integrated into AR and VR environments, providing an immersive and interactive experience, particularly in education and training simulations.

Automated Content Creation: TTS might be used extensively in automated content creation, such as generating audiobooks, news reports, or educational materials, personalized to the listener’s preferences.

Ethical Considerations and Regulatory Implications

Data Privacy and Security: As TTS systems become more sophisticated, they will handle increasingly sensitive data. Ensuring privacy and security will be paramount, necessitating stringent data protection measures and compliance with regulations like GDPR.

Mitigating Misuse: There is a potential risk of TTS technology being used for deceptive purposes, such as creating deepfakes or scam calls. Developing ethical guidelines and possibly regulatory measures to prevent misuse will be critical.

Inclusivity and Bias Reduction: Future development in TTS should focus on inclusivity, ensuring that the technology caters to a wide range of languages, dialects, and cultural nuances, while actively working to reduce biases in AI algorithms.

The future of TTS in telecommunications is bright and holds immense potential for transformative changes. As the technology advances, it will bring more sophisticated, personalized, and accessible communication options. However, balancing innovation with ethical responsibility and regulatory compliance will be essential in shaping a future where TTS technology benefits everyone.


The exploration of Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology in phone communications reveals a landscape marked by significant transformation and potential. TTS has evolved from a rudimentary tool for digital speech to a sophisticated system capable of enhancing and personalizing phone communication on a large scale. Its role in automating customer service, aiding in emergency responses, and breaking down language barriers underscores its transformative impact.

The journey of TTS technology, from its early developments to its integration into modern telecommunications, highlights not just technological advancement but also a deeper understanding of human speech patterns. Its applications across various sectors demonstrate versatility, efficiency, and a commitment to improving accessibility for all users. The benefits of TTS in phone communication are manifold, ranging from increased efficiency and 24/7 service availability to the crucial provision of access for visually impaired and literacy-challenged individuals.

However, as we look to the future of TTS in telecommunications, it is essential to balance technological innovation with the inherent value of human touch in communication. The advancements in AI and machine learning promise more natural and expressive speech synthesis, but the challenge remains to maintain the emotive and relatable aspects of human interaction. Ethical considerations, particularly in data privacy, security, and the mitigation of misuse, are paramount in ensuring that TTS technology evolves responsibly.

In conclusion, TTS technology stands at a pivotal point, poised to redefine the boundaries of automated phone communication. While embracing the advancements that AI and machine learning bring, it is crucial to remember the essence of communication — connecting people. As TTS technology continues to grow and integrate into our daily lives, maintaining this balance between technological prowess and the human element will be key to its success and acceptance in society.

Frequently Asked Questions About Text-to-Speech (TTS) Technology

Q1. What is Text-to-Speech (TTS) Technology?

A1. TTS is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. It converts words on a computer or other digital device into audible speech.

Q2. How Does TTS Work?

A2. TTS technology involves several steps: analyzing and processing the input text, converting it into a phonetic representation, and then synthesizing speech from this phonetic script using pre-recorded or digitally generated sounds.

Q3. Where is TTS Technology Commonly Used?

A3. TTS is used in various applications including automated customer service systems, public announcements, navigation systems, e-learning platforms, audiobook narration, and assistive devices for individuals with disabilities.

Q4. Can TTS Technology Read Any Text?

A4. Most modern TTS systems can read a wide range of text types, including digital documents, web pages, and emails. However, their effectiveness can vary depending on the complexity of the text and the system’s capabilities.

Q5. Is TTS Speech Natural Sounding?

A5. The naturalness of TTS speech has improved significantly with advancements in AI and machine learning. However, some systems may still sound somewhat robotic, especially in expressing emotions or intonations.

Q6. Can TTS Technology Understand Different Languages and Accents?

A6. Advanced TTS systems support multiple languages and can handle various accents. The accuracy and fluency in different languages depend on the system’s design and the database of speech samples it uses.

Q7. Is TTS Technology Accessible to People with Disabilities?

A7. Yes, TTS is particularly beneficial for individuals with visual impairments, reading disabilities, or learning disorders. It aids in accessing written content and enhances independence.

Q8. What Are the Main Benefits of TTS in Telecommunications?

A8. The benefits include increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness, 24/7 availability of services, and enhanced accessibility for a wider range of users.

Q9. What Are the Challenges Associated with TTS?

A9. Challenges include achieving naturalness in voice and emotional expression, handling diverse languages and dialects effectively, and addressing privacy and security concerns.

Q10. How is TTS Technology Expected to Evolve in the Future?

A10. Future developments in TTS are likely to focus on enhancing the naturalness of speech, integrating emotional intelligence, expanding language and dialect capabilities, and addressing ethical considerations.

Q11. Are There Ethical Concerns Related to TTS Technology?

A11. Ethical concerns include the potential misuse of TTS in creating deceptive or misleading content, ensuring user privacy, and maintaining data security.

Q12. Can TTS Be Customized for Specific Needs?

A12. Yes, many TTS systems offer customization options in terms of voice type, speech rate, and language, allowing users to tailor the output to their specific preferences or needs.

What Our Clients Say

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Tom was awesome! He spent time on the phone helping me get set up. Great intro by Tom to my new voice blast service! Wish I c...



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Sigma was very helpful in our company meeting a call documentation requirement for a Federal regulation. Tom gave us great se...

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Sigma Voice has allowed our organization to disseminate information quickly, thoroughly and to a wide audience. The software ...

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This is the first time I used this company and am extremely pleased with the excellence in customer service. There was no nee...

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This service is fantastic. Setting up automated calls is super easy and affordable. I highly recommend it.

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Sigma Voice was so easy to set up. I needed to get an immediate message out to my 60+ family members. I sent a sign up messag...